Interfaculty Research Cooperations (IRC)

Interfaculty Research Cooperation - One Health

Bild Mensch und Tiere mit übergeordneten Verknüpfungen

The IFC One Health investigates how environmental chemicals affect the health of soils, plants, animals and humans. In close cooperation, 9 research groups from Vetsuisse and the Faculty of Medicine investigate and quantify the effects of pesticides, heavy metals and plant poisons on microbial communities at the interfaces between soils, plants, animals and humans. The interdisciplinary approach contributes to a better understanding of how environmental changes affect the health of food chains.

Interfaculty Research Cooperation - Decoding Sleep

Schlafende Person am Fenster in einem Zug

Sleep remained almost unchanged throughout evolution, indicating its fundamental importance for survival. The research cooperation aims to achieve a better understanding of the mechanisms of sleep, consciousness and cognition by means of the three areas "Brain - Mind - Body". Sleep-wake disturbances can be first signs of diseases such as Parkinson's and dementia or depression.