Welcome event: Student Association for Sustainable Development
Dear students of sustainable development,
Since May 2024, the new Student Association for Sustainable Development (FSNE) has been established. It represents the students of the Bachelor's and Master's Minor in Sustainable Development and the new Mono Master's in Sustainability Transformations. The main tasks include advising and supporting students, organizing events, and representing students' interests within the university. Additionally, the student association provides a platform for exchange among students.
To celebrate the new student association, get to know other students, and facilitate an exchange, the association board invites all students majoring or minoring in Sustainable Development to the Welcome Event.
It will take place on Thursday, October 10, 2024, starting at 5:00 PM at the SUB-Hüsli. Address: Lerchenweg 32, 3012 Bern.
To ensure you don’t miss any information about what’s happening in the Student Association for Sustainable Development, feel free to follow us on Instagram: @sustainabilityunibern.
If you have any questions or concerns, or if you would like to contact us for any reason, please feel free to send us an email at sustainability.bern@gmail.com or message us on Instagram.
Since the Student Association for Sustainable Development is still very young, we are looking for members to join the board. There are many interesting positions that can be filled. If you're interested, feel free to reach out via email or on Instagram. The only requirement is active enrollment in the Minor in Sustainable Development or the Mono Master's in Sustainability Transformations.
We are looking for the following positions: Treasurer // Event organization (multiple people) // Sponsorship acquisition // Social media/ communication management // Design/creative direction // Board member without a defined role/just being part of the team :)
The next student association meeting is expected to take place on October 17 at 10:00 AM at the SUB-Hüsli. Anyone interested is welcome to join.
Last but not least: The SUB board is also looking for new members. If you’re interested, feel free to check out the announcements (in German): Board member social affairs, Board member legal affairs.
Michele Iannuzzo
President of the Student Association for Sustainable Development