Quality Assurance and Development (QAD)

Welcome to the quality assurance website of the Faculty of Science.

Quality Assurance and Development (QAD) are central concerns of our faculty. The QAD expert committee (QSE-Fachgremium) of the faculty is constantly working on the optimization of operational and administrative processes in teaching, research and administration. For this purpose, regular meetings of the QAD expert committee take place.

In order to improve the quality of teaching at the Faculty of Science we regularly communicate and evaluate at various levels (Institutes/Departments/Divisions) per semester or academic year. Various quantitative and qualitative tools are used for this purpose. In addition, there is an in-depth evaluation of each study program every 7-8 years.

The output and impact of research is quantitatively evaluated annually by the Vice-Rectorate Research. The results are regularly discussed at faculty meetings, QAD expert committee meetings and department meetings. At longer intervals a detailed evaluation of research units takes place involving also external experts. This evaluation is used to strategically place the unit within the Swiss and European university landscape and to develop a framework for future appointments.

Detailed information on the QAD can be found in the “QAD concept” for the Faculty of Science, where the structures and processes of quality assurance are shown and explained.

The Faculty of Science promotes high quality in all important processes and procedures and we are open for suggestions and feedback from students and staff.

You can find more information about the QAD of the faculty on the German website.